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October 24, 2010

RBF Morph at EnginSoft Conference 2010

RBF Morph has been present at the EnginSoft International Conference 2010 on the 21th and 22th of October in Montichiari (Bs) – Centro Fiera del Garda with the paperย Shape optimization tools for CFD analysis: ANSYS Fluent, RBF Morph and modeFRONTIER and the poster RBF Morph driven by DesignXplorer: the fastest approach for shape optimisation by […]

October 19, 2010

ANSYS Webinar on line: Mesh Morphing Accelerates Design Optimization

RBF Morph and ANSYS FLUENT Software Combine to Produce a Solution for Shape Modifications Through Mesh Updating Product developers must quickly perform and test numerous design variations in an environment steeped in complex customer requirements and short development cycles. Faced with increasing competition, companies have to produce higher performing products and deliver in shorter time […]

October 19, 2010

RBF Morph at MIRA Conference 2010

RBF Morph has been present at the 8th MIRA International Vehicle Aerodynamics Conference on the 13th and 14th of October in Grove Oxfordshire (UK) – RBS Williams F1 Conference Centre with the paper An Advanced RBF Morph Application: Coupled CFD CSM Aeroelastic Analysis of a Full Aircraft Model and Comparison to Experimental Data by Dr. […]