Bio-Inspired Optimization Based on BGM and Mesh Morphing Surface Sculpting
Use the link below to download: Presentation: “Bio-Inspired Optimization Based on BGM and Mesh Morphing Surface Sculpting” BIOMA 2020 November I 2020 I English
Use the link below to download: Presentation: “Bio-Inspired Optimization Based on BGM and Mesh Morphing Surface Sculpting” BIOMA 2020 November I 2020 I English
Published on the EnginSoft Newsletter Year 17 n°2 Summer 2020 Download the PDF
As gold sponsor RBF Morph will join at ANSYS Simulation World – June 10-11, 2020 – free online live event. Simulation World is a free online event designed to inspire and educate executives, engineers, R&D and manufacturing professionals about the transformative powers of engineering simulation and Ansys. Engage in a full and exhilarating experience including inspirational keynotes from […]
The Analysis and Codes Group at Fusion for Energy (F4E) recently joined the Experiment n. 12 CAEUp “Update of CAE models on actual manufactured shapes” of the Cloudifacturing EU Project “Cloudification of Production Engineering for Predictive Digital Manufacturing” as a stakeholder. The Experiment CAEUp aims to implement and assess a procedure to offer manufacturing industries […]
Nuclear fusion is the field where new technologies and advanced knowledge are put into practice in order to achieve the very high performances foreseen. A very important topic in nuclear fusion design is represented by Fracture Mechanics, assuming crucial relevance in this field since a total accessibility to the structure cannot be guaranteed, thus forcing […]
At the conclusion of the EU-funded RBF4AERO and RIBES projects, the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” decided to organize a one-day workshop aimed to present the results of the two programs and to highlight the status of researches in the aerospace field focusing on the recent achievements in analysis and design methodologies adopted in the […]
A study conducted by University of Perugia in collaboration with University of Catania and Politecnico di Torino having title Mandible morphing through principal components analysis has been published on Proceedings of the International Conference on Design Tools and Methods in Industrial Engineering, ADM 2019. This work is focused on the creation of a parametric model of the mandibular bone, with the final […]
A joint study with Dallara about the flutter analysis of the front wing splitter mounted on the 2001 Le Mans Prototype car has been published on the Italian journal “Analisi e Calcolo” n° 94 September 2019. In the analysis and design of racing competition cars, numerical tools allow to investigate a wide range of solutions in short time […]
RBF Morph will join the event Imaging, Modelling and Simulation in Biomechanics and Mechanobiology as sponsor. Such an event is organized by “The Advanced International School” and it will be held in Rome (Italy) on February, 24th-28th, 2020. The School will instruct the audience on the importance of a rigorous […]
The Design News interview with Marco Biancolini, founder of RBF Morph, offers insight into the advantages of using mesh morphing. Proper mesh morphing can lead to faster runtimes and predictions. Click here to read the interview.