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October 22, 2019

RBF-based mesh morphing approach to perform icing simulations in the aviation sector

An article about a method to update the numerical mesh with ice profiles having title RBF-based mesh morphing approach to perform icing simulations in the aviation sector has been published on the Emerald Insight Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, vol. 91 no. 4. Authors: C. Groth, U. Cella, E.Costa, Marco E.Biancolini  Abstract Numerical simulation of icing has become a standard. Once the […]

October 16, 2019

Presentations given at the AIAS Conference 2019 are now available to download

RBF Morph took part in the 48th edition of the Italian Conference AIAS 2019 which was held on September, from 4th to 7th in Assisi (Italy). Three works about the different applications of RBF Morph technology was presented: Optimisation of industrial parts by mesh morphing enabled automatic shape sculpting In this paper we explore how the last approach can be exploited […]

September 18, 2019

Fast high fidelity CFD/CSM fluid structure interaction using RBF mesh morphing and modal superposition method

An article about a fast and effective approach to tackle complex fluid structure interaction problems that are relevant for the aeronautical design having title ” Fast high fidelity CFD/CSM fluid structure interaction using RBF mesh morphing and modal superposition method”  has been published on the Emerald Insight, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, vol. 91 no. 6. Authors: C. Groth, U. Cella, E.Costa, […]

September 16, 2019

Flying shape sails analysis by Radial Basis Functions Mesh Morphing

A study about the sailboats’ dynamic performance powered by RBF Morph technology titled “Flying shape sails analysis by Radial Basis Functions Mesh Morphing” has been presented at the ADM2019 International Conference which was held on September, 9th and 10th in Modena (IT). The selection of a high performance and lightweight material with an effective sail panel arrangement could improve […]

September 12, 2019

Software Simulation Award 2019

Exciting news from the Italian Conference AIAS 2019.. The RBF Morph team wins the “Software Simulation Award” with the video “Automatic Shape Optimisation with RBF Mesh Morphing and the Biological Growth Method”. This video demonstrates automatic shape optimisation driven by the stress solution according to the biological growth method. The industrial implementation is based on the […]

June 17, 2019

Ottimizzazione fluido-struttura di velivoli industriali: il caso del P180 Avanti EVO

A study about FSI optimization of industrial airplanes by RBF Morph Stand Alone has been published on the Italian journal “Analisi e Calcolo” n° 89 Nov 2018. We describe the procedure for the optimization of the fluid-structure interaction (FSI) carried out for the P180 Avanti EVO vehicle, designed and manufactured by Piaggio Aerospace, performed in […]

June 3, 2019

Presentation given at Workshop HPC for Industry 4.0@Cineca is now available to download

RBF Morph took part in the Workshop HPC for Industry 4.0@Cineca that was held in Doria Gran Hotel Milan (MI) 21-23 May, 2019. The aim of the workshop was to present state-of-the-art Industry 4.0 technologies. In particular, here were presented methods and techniques that might be used to transform a manufacturing plant into a plant 4.0. The workshop was organized […]

May 17, 2019

Please join us at the ANSYS Innovation User Conference and Workshop 2019

Please join us at the ANSYS Innovation User Conference and Workshop in Coventry on 22nd & 23rd May 2019. Don’t miss the chance to.. Meet Design Methods, partner of RBF Morph and winner of the ANSYS Hall of Fame 2016 world competition in the session Corporate. See a model of A-class catamaran and learn about a […]