News from RBF Morph

Heart beating model thanks RBF Morph Add-on for ANSYS Fluent
In the thesis titled “Preoperative planning and simulation for artificial heart implantation surgery” Sophie Collin, phd of University of Rennes,
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Presentations given at the CAE Conference 2019 are now available to download
The RBF Morph Team took part in the International CAE Conference 2019 which was held on October, from 28th to
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SACMI designs optimized next-generation components using automated surface sculpting
It’s now aviable the article published by RBF Morph on the EnginSoft Newsletter Year 16 n°3 Autumn 2019 that describes uses Adjoint and
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RBF Morph becomes a partner of the Spinner project
We are happy to announce that RBF Morph becomes a participant of the EU Spinner project as a partner organization.
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Testing the potential to offer CAE over the cloud in the SaaS paradigm
The article published by RBF Morph on the EnginSoft Newsletter Year 16 n°2 Summer 2019  describes a fluid-structure interaction(FSI) optimization carried out for
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RBF Morph Speeds Real-Time Design-Data Feedback Critical to the Digital Twin in Industry and Research ANSYS
Rome, ITALY—October 24, 2019 —As engineers in industry and research look to develop Digital Twins of their physical products—with the
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RBF-based mesh morphing approach to perform icing simulations in the aviation sector
An article about a method to update the numerical mesh with ice profiles having title RBF-based mesh morphing approach to perform icing
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Presentations given at the AIAS Conference 2019 are now available to download
RBF Morph took part in the 48th edition of the Italian Conference AIAS 2019 which was held on September, from 4th to 7th
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Fast high fidelity CFD/CSM fluid structure interaction using RBF mesh morphing and modal superposition method
An article about a fast and effective approach to tackle complex fluid structure interaction problems that are relevant for the
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