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September 13, 2021

We are pleased to announce that in Ansys 2021 R2 we have improved and simplified the connection between RBF Morph and optiSLang.

Finally the designers can assign shape parameters directly in the CAE model and then drive the optimization to identify a new design with better performances in a very short time.
Our advanced mesh morphing technology allows to quickly reshape the component so that mitigation of hot spot stresses and flow separation is possible with a minimum effort. Usually just a few parameters are needed.
The good of our optimisation workflow is that you need only a very small upfront work to define shape parameters (usually less than an hour for each parameter) and then everything will go automatic. This is possible for fluid and structural applications. We offer an ACT Extension for Ansys Mechanical and LS-DYNA, and a module for Ansys Fluent. The parametric CAE model can then be steered by optiSLang to get in a very short time the optimal parameters’ combination suitable to update the component into a better performing shape.