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June 10, 2021

The International Conference on Computational Science 2021 is an annual conference that brings together researchers and scientists from mathematics and computer science as basic computing disciplines, researchers from various application areas who are pioneering computational methods in sciences such as physics, chemistry, life sciences, and engineering, as well as in arts and humanitarian fields, to discuss problems and solutions in the area, to identify new issues, and to shape future directions of research. Two papers involving RBF Morph technology were given.

The paper titled “Analysis of vortex induced vibration of a thermowell by high fidelity FSI numerical analysis based on RBF structural modes embedding” addresses the numerical fluid-structure interaction (FSI) analysis of a thermowell immersed in a water flow. The study was carried out implementing a modal superposition approach into a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solver. The core of the procedure consists in embedding the structural natural modes, computed by a finite element analysis (FEA), by means of our RBF technology.

The second work titled “Automatic Optimization Method based on mesh morphing surface sculpting driven by Biological Growth Method: an application to the Coiled Spring section shape”  shows a new approach that exploits surface stresses distribution to obtain an optimized configuration according to the Biological Growth Method (BGM). Coupling this method with surface sculpting based on Radial Basis Functions (RBF) mesh morphing had proven to be efficient and effective in optimizing specific mechanical components as the spring studied in the paper.