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March 27, 2017

A CAD-mesh mixed approach leveraging modeFRONTIER and RBF Morph to enhance shape optimization capabilities

Thursday, April 6th, 2017


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On April 6th, ESTECO and RBF-Morph will host a joint webinar presenting an innovative CAD-Mesh mixed approach to enhance shape optimization capabilities.

During the Webinar, Riccardo Cenni, CAE Engineer of SACMI Imola will present how engineers at SACMI Ceramic Engineering Department leveraged modeFRONTIER, RBF-Morph and ANSYS Workbench to develop a hybrid methodology combining CAD and mesh based approach overtaking the limits of the shape optimization based on the single disciplines.

The approach helped find better solutions for the SACMI industrial component analyzed and turns out to be promising for future optimization projects.

Register now to learn ย how the proposed methodology allowsย integrating the advantages of MESH morphing techniques with the flexibility of parametric CAD and how the modeFRONTIER helps to manage optimization loop while RBF Morph is used to perform MESH morphing.