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May 6, 2022

As a partner of the COPERNICUS project  (FF4EuroHPC), RBF Morph attended the 9th World Congress of Biomechanics 2022 (WCB 2022) at Taipei International Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan, from July 10 to 14, 2022.

The Modified Blalock Taussig Shunt (mBTS) is one of the most common palliative operations in case of cyanotic heart diseases. To date, the decision of the position, the size and the geometry of the shunt relies on the clinicians’ experience. Although Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) can serve in the prediction of the blood flow behavior, the numerical investigation in different geometrical cases is computationally demanding and difficult to be inserted in a clinical scenario. In this context, new computational strategies based on the use of a Reduced Order Model (ROM) and mesh morphing techniques can offer a new perspective on the decision-making process.

In our joint study with RINA Consulting, BioCardioLab  and InSilcoTrials we will show a patient-specific preoperative interactive CFD environment to predict the effect of shunt’s geometry on the hemodynamic parameters.